Challenge yourself to go without a vehicle and instead
bike. walk. bus. train.

You had me at No Vehicle November.

Join our car-free challenge community this November 2024 to make a positive impact on the environment. Follow us on Instagram to receive tips and tricks to navigate the car-free lifestyle with confidence. Our expert team and stories from the NVN community will guide you through November on alternative transportation, effective planning, and overcoming obstacles. Say goodbye to traffic, parking, and fuel expenses. Take the challenge now for a car-free future and create a cleaner, greener world together.

You can also join us on Strava to track your avoided CO2 emissions.

The Importance of Driving Less

Reducing car reliance tackles climate change by cutting emissions. Switching to electric vehicles alone isn’t sufficient. We need to drastically reduce our impact on the environment to avoid catastrophic consequences — and it’s up to us to make it happen. Driving less and using transit alternatives lowers emissions in the short and long term. The effects: less immediate greenhouse gases and fewer cars need to be produced.

Encouraging walking, cycling, and public transit is critical to lowering emissions. These options also have enormous health benefits and reduce traffic. Prioritizing pedestrian infrastructure and public transport makes cities cleaner and safer. Learning to drive less will lead to improved infrastructure and better environmental outcomes for everyone.

Hot tips on staying warm as it starts getting cold out there for those in the global north > Zygg blog post

Supporting Organizations

Help spread the word on social media, your website, newsletter, in-store and the old fashion way, word of mouth.